Objectives of SICAMM
What is Apis mellifera mellifera?
Past Conferences
Member organisations and Links
Future Conferences
Josef Stark Award

1998: Conference in York, England

Contributions to the 3rd International Conference on the dark European Bee


Objectives and executive committee 1997 – 2000

H.S. Burry: Proposal for a resolution on conserving Britain’s native honeybee

José Manual Duran: The Association of Beekeeping in Galicia

Wolfgang Kunzfeld: Gemeinschaft zum erhalt der Dunklen Biene, GEDB

Maritta Piettila: The Finnish «PROJECT NORDBI» 1996 -1997

Michael Mac Giolla Coda: Dark European Bee. Present Position in Rep. of Ireland

Sverre Schjelderup: Situation for the dark bee in the pure breed area in Norway

H.S. Burry: Report to the Dark Bee Conference



J.A. Balzekas: Preservation of the Lithuanian Local Bees (A.m.m.) Gene Bank

Joanna Trozkiewicz: Conservation of A.m.m. in Poland

B. Chuda-Mickiewicz, J. Prabucki: Rearing Black Bee Apis mellifera mellifera L. queens from Eggs and Larvae



On the British Government to take action... Prepared by H.S Burry

Missing contributions
Bo Vest Pedersen: “On the phylogenetic position of the Danish strain of the dark honeybee inferred from mitocondrial DNA sequences.”  This contribution was at the conference regarded as especially important, as the results seem to give new arguments for conserving the dark bee
It is published by:
Zoological Museum, Copenhagen in: Entomologica scandinavica, Vol. 27,1996

“Distribution of Apis mellifera mellifera in Yorkshire and Wales” by
C.L. Kibbler and T.J. Crawford is published as an own print by the University of York

Very regretfully we have also, due to technical problems, no paper on the very interesting talk by John Dews on the viking bees of Jorvik.